anyone ever try this compressor?

I've never heard of it. Some of the compression tests on that page aren't really useful in convincing me, for instance compressing an already compressed file like an MP3. :huh:

Do tell us what you think of it, if you try it out. ;)

Maybe a certain format or algorithm compresses better than other file formats, but then you have take into account how much CPU hungry it is, how much slower it is, how widely available it is, if its an documented format with freely available implementations and libraries, etc.

a little note about KGB Archiver. it uses an old version of PAQ(PAQ6v2 to be exact) which doesn't really make it that great. newer PAQ versions compress much better and hopefully are faster o_O. also, PAQ is also the best compression algorithm out there. well, it's technically tied with RK but it's close. it's also open source :)

Maybe PAQ is the compression algorithm with the best compression ratio, but you have to take into account other variables such as memory usage, CPU usage and speed.

If you could compress 1 gigabyte of data to 1 megabyte, that would be awesome, but if it took 10 years to compress/decompress it, it wouldn't be much good.

rofl. 1GB into 1MB. that could be possible with DEFLATE(Zip's default algorithm) if the file was only full of zeroes :)

Exaggerating a bit to get my point across. ;)