Any way to rescue recycle bin files?

I lost a years worth of files I inadvertently sent to recycle bin and then was cleaned by ccleaner - any way I can still rescue it? Would any downloadable file rescuers work to do so if I can't through ccleaner in any way?

I lost a years worth of files I inadvertently sent to recycle bin and then was cleaned by ccleaner - any way I can still rescue it? Would any downloadable file rescuers work to do so if I can't through ccleaner in any way?

ccleane rhas no capability to rescue files.

As long as you have not over wiped the files with ccleaner you got every chance of recovering the files using recova

Made by the people who made ccleaner. Just remember every new file you create or delete reduces the chance of recovering the files you are after.

Simple words dont do any thing with your computer until you tryed to recover your files.

Thanks for the quick reply. Sadly ccleaner has been ran and was the reason my recycle bin was emptied. I better hope those deleted files are not needed or I'm SOL.

I downloaded Recuva in the interim but realized it couldn't help.

Hi Ryco, and welcome to Piriform.

I'm sorry to hear of you problems with lost files.

Did you have CCleaner configured to do it's thing with default settings, or did you have one of the "Secure Delete" options checked?

My personal experience with Recuva was improved by going into "Options\General" and in "View Mode" select "Tree View".

And then go into "Options\Actions" and select "Restore Folder Structure". This will give you a familiar file structure in front of you when you scan, and will help in targeting the files you're after.

If CCleaner was configured to "Secure Delete" then I don't hold out much hope for getting anything back.

Hope that helps.

Thanks for the quick reply. Sadly ccleaner has been ran and was the reason my recycle bin was emptied. I better hope those deleted files are not needed or I'm SOL.

I downloaded Recuva in the interim but realized it couldn't help.

Forgive me i was not clear enough. Dennis just explained what i meant by secured wiped. But just to try to help a little more.


If normal file deletion is selected in options - settings

then yes the chances are very high you can recover what was deleted.

If secure deletion has been set, with any of the 1/3/7/35 passes then you wont be recovering them.

Im sorry about this. But i get the feeling you wont have changed these options

Hi Ryco,

Ive just recovered old photos on a Lappy much more than a year old! I posted about my scenario in the Recuva Forum. Providing you do what these guys say and act quickly (dont use your computer for anything) and you havent set CCleaner to secure wipe, why not give it a try! By the sounds of it your chances are VERY VERY good compared to what mine were.

Let us know how you go.

Also use a Flash drive to install Recuva and run it from there so you dont overwrite anything. Providing you have the space on the F drive, you can also recover the files and put them there.
