Windows Movie Maker is kinda old..any recommendations?
AVID....but you need Apple, and AVID costs eleventy billion dollars.
For editing many people use VirtualDub or VirtualDub Mod both of which are free, the portable version is available at:
For encoding to AVI there's plenty of free alternatives around FormatFactory, Avidemux (I love this program!), etc.
You can search for any of those types of programs on A/V sites like these two which I visit myself for finding free video software:
If you're going to be encoding to AVI in particular using Xvid I'd highly recommend getting Koepi's Xvid.
thanks for the suggestions but im looking for an alternative of windows movie maker..the one you can use to make videos..i'm sorry because i didn't give a detail regarding this
Avidemux and VirtualDub are also the listed Windows alternatives on Osalt too. I've never used Windows Movie Maker for more than one minute, so I can't compare it against Avidemux or VirtualDub however they seem to be two free alternatives.
Both Avidemux and Virtualdub are very good editors but I find they work even better when set up to be used with Cut Assistant.
When editing with Avidemux and Virtualdub alone, both programs remove the edit, thereby changing the time and frame #'s. Cut Assistant leaves them in, and keeps tracks of the edits, so when you finish editing, then you create a finished, edited copy.
This explains how to use and set up Cut Assistant:
There is a new version of movie maker as well... I haven't tried it yet as it requires vista:
I'm not sure if this is anything close to what you want, but it has similarities to Movie Maker, but IMHO, much better.
PhotoStory 3 for Windows: (Freeware)
I've made a lot of videos with family snaps. It strings them all together with different wipes and fades, and you can sync it with music of your choice. It gives you a choice of formats to save your completed masterpiece to, one of them being small enough to attach to an email.
I think it's a cracking program, and comes in at about 16mb installed.
Cracking toast, Grommit!