

I have AVG antivirus and when I updated it today it asked me to restart pc. So when I restarted, my PC kept rebooting continiously. After 5 continious reboots, I ran scan disk and defrag, so far the error window hasnt returned. The microsoft error reporting message that came up had some error codes on it that I didnt undertstand, and a blue screen in between boots came up with a ton of words on it mentioning that any new hardware/software should be uninstalled if the problem persists.

So this problem led me here from another forum someone mentioned to install ccremover to remove any nonsence that this AVG may have created.

So now, I uninstalled AVG and am terrified to reinstall it. After having it a whole year and without problems of any sort. So I am wondering how vulnerable would I actualy be without an antivirus? Does having an antivirus such as AVG actualy protect a pc and stop a virus from entering a computer? Or is it just used to get rid of one? Thats what has always confused me. Anyways thanks!


My specs:

AMD64 3400+

GeForce 6800 gt (256mb)

Asus K8v Se deluxe

Corsair Ram 1GB

Windows xp sp2

and no antivirus :(

You have too nice a computer to let it be killed by a virus. :D

An antivirus will protect you from getting infected in the first place. Get this offer and you should be all set:

Lately a new type of problem has been going around called spyware and adware. These types of programs require a differant type of protection all together. Look at this link and get all of the programs and settings to have a truely protected computer.

Any questions? Feel free to ask.

Thankyou, rridgely :) I will check the links out! You think I should eliminate AVG altogether then? Or have both? I really dont want to reinstall avg again now. Thanks again :)


You have too nice a computer to let it be killed by a virus. :D

An antivirus will protect you from getting infected in the first place. Get this offer and you should be all set:

Lately a new type of problem has been going around called spyware and adware. These types of programs require a differant type of protection all together. Look at this link and get all of the programs and settings to have a truely protected computer.

Any questions? Feel free to ask.

No having two avs isnt a good thing. They will conflict with each other. Get etrust and forget about avg.