A team of South Korean scientists on Sunday claimed to have created a ``cellular fountain of youth,?? or a small molecule, which enables human cells to avoid aging and dying.
The team, headed by Prof. Kim Tae-kook at the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, argued the newly-synthesized molecule, named CGK733, can even make cells younger.
Yes it is, but messing with stuff as that article demonstrates will only lead to questions both ethically and safety-wise. It's about as interesting (not to me) as what's being planned here in the U.S. to sell genetically cloned animals for food. "What would you like on your CloneBurger sir?"
Yes it is, but messing with stuff as that article demonstrates will only lead to questions both ethically and safety-wise. It's about as interesting (not to me) as what's being planned here in the U.S. to sell genetically cloned animals for food. "What would you like on your CloneBurger sir?"
Well, if you could extend your life span or increase your beauty, wouldn't you want it?
A team of South Korean scientists on Sunday claimed to have created a ``cellular fountain of youth,?? or a small molecule, which enables human cells to avoid aging and dying.
The team, headed by Prof. Kim Tae-kook at the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, argued the newly-synthesized molecule, named CGK733, can even make cells younger.
A team of South Korean scientists on Sunday claimed to have created a ``cellular fountain of youth,’’ or a small molecule, which enables human cells to avoid aging and dying.
The team, headed by Prof. Kim Tae-kook at the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, argued the newly-synthesized molecule, named CGK733, can even make cells younger.
A team of South Korean scientists on Sunday claimed to have created a ``cellular fountain of youth,?? or a small molecule, which enables human cells to avoid aging and dying.
I've gotta agree with Andavari: I'm pretty skeptical on this one. I mean seriously, how many times have you guys seen "proven" all-natural weightloss solutions in the form of a pill? Or what about all of the lotions that make a bald person grow a full head of hair, or a person with acne instantly have clear skin? Those are tall enough orders in themselves, and rarely do they have any effect whatsoever. And now someone claims to have discovered a molecule that reverses aging? I would very highly doubt it.
Frankly, I have a feeling that the limits of this "drug" will be found soon enough, and it will end up as another anti-wrinkle cream lined up on a shelf with the rest of them. I guess time will tell, but I'm not getting my hopes up just yet.
it will sell once tested and proven that it dosent give sideeffects
There's the problem because so many drugs even good ole' aspirin can have side effects. Some of the drug commercials on t.v. are damn near laughable when they preach about what it does only to have a big list of the side effects.