Another program turns up the same items

I ran CCleaner, rebooted my computer, then ran an index.dat finder. The program turned up all the files that it was showing before I ran CCleaner. So, it appears that CCleaner isn't cleaning. Am I misunderstanding something?

I did a search on the forum, but didn't turn up anything about this. I also read the beginner's guide, and didn't see anything addressing this. Can anyone help?

Thanks in advance.

Hi FyrePhoenix, and welcome to the forum.

CCleaner deletes index.dat files on reboot, and Windows immediately creates new ones, not containing the information from the old.

Hope that helps.

Hi FyrePhoenix, and welcome to the forum.

CCleaner deletes index.dat files on reboot, and Windows immediately creates new ones, not containing the information from the old.

Hope that helps.

Oh! Well, that does help. Thank you!

You know what, something else happened.

Recycle Bin has disappeared, along with the other (few) icons I had on my desktop.

You know what, something else happened.

Recycle Bin has disappeared, along with the other (few) icons I had on my desktop.

Hi Fyre,

Just starting to use CCleaner, I take it.

Good for you but surprising sometimes.

I am presuming that you tried using the CCleaner Advanced cleaning options or you messed around with that other Index.dat program.

If so turn off those Advanced cleaning options. They do some strange things that new users should not try until they learn more about CCleaner. Your Start menu list is also probably empty. Many defaults were reset by you using the Advanced cleaning options. Turn them off and your Start menu list should start filling back-in as you run different things.

If you did not use the Advanced cleaning options then don't until later.

Right click on your desktop and select Refresh. Most or all your shortcuts should come back.

This link will also help you in your "searches" of the forums.

Piriforms Search Engine Piriforms Search Engine

Bookmark and save to Favorites. It will be very handy.

Fill in your search criteria in quotes like this "Advanced cleaning".

Down at the bottom right you will find Result Type Show results as topics or Show results as posts.

Click on Show results as posts (This is important). Now click on the "Perform the search".

Hope this helps you. Keep us informed.

:) davey

P.S. Warning. Don't mess with those idex.dat files with that other program you were talking about or you are in for a lot worse "surprises" and troubles.

Hi Davey,

I didn't use the Advanced cleaning options. Everything on the start menu is still there, it's just the desktop that's been cleared out. I tried your refresh suggestion, but nothing reappeared.

Wait, I just now looked under "Arrange icons by," and "show desktop icons" was unchecked. I wonder how that happened?

Anyway, everything is back now. Thanks for your suggestions.

Hi Davey,

I didn't use the Advanced cleaning options. Everything on the start menu is still there, it's just the desktop that's been cleared out. I tried your refresh suggestion, but nothing reappeared.

Wait, I just now looked under "Arrange icons by," and "show desktop icons" was unchecked. I wonder how that happened?

Anyway, everything is back now. Thanks for your suggestions.

You are welcome and I am glad everything is OK.

This is the most important suggestion. All members should have this Bookmarked.

It helps you find more and do more with it.

This link will also help you in your "searches" of the forums.

Piriform's Advanced Search Engine

Bookmark and save to Favorites. It will be very handy.

Fill in your search criteria in quotes like this "Advanced cleaning" for example.

Down at the bottom right you will find Result Type Show results as topics or Show results as posts.

Click on Show results as posts (This is important). Now click on the "Perform the search".

Now you have a useful display of various threads to work with.

Best wishes,

:) davey