another google worry?

This was an article today

The Inquiror? What a reliable source. :P

(just kidding) :D

The title says dont use the toolbar but the real problem is the desktop search. Apparently you can back up your files to use on multiple pcs and people are worried what happens with the info.(can anyone see it.)

You can turn this feature off if you want to use the desktop seach though.(its a rather stupid program anyway though).

Better(real) article. :D

I read an article yesterday that said you can actually transfer your entire hard drive if you wish. It said you could then transfer the entire contents of one of your computers to a second computer. It sounded to me like it would be similar to Microsoft's File and Settings Transfer Wizard except you would use the Internet and Google's servers instead of a cable. I couldn't find the article today (curse CCleaner erasing my History like it's supposed to :D) but I found this article which says something almost like that:

"In order to achieve that end, Google Desktop, the application in question, stores the contents of one computer on Google?s servers so that a user can search those files from his or her second computer."

Not quite the same but "the contents of one computer" caught my eye. Is there really a lot of people looking to search one of their own computers with another of their own computers by putting their info on a third party server??

Anyway the article also describes how much easier it is for the Government to legally access your private information from a server than from your own PC. It's easier to get a subpoena than a search warrant.

By using the new feature you agree to allow Google to retain any info for up to 30 days and grant them access to it. I think Google's going insane or maybe the rest of the world is.

I think Google's going insane or maybe the rest of the world is.

Well reasonable people such as you and me (well... semi-reasonable that is :D ) see it that way. But just think of all the people who look at this and go, "Oh wow! Now I don't even have to shell out for an external hard drive! I can just backup everything with Google for free!".

Everybody's a winner, right? You can quickly and easily backup or transfer your information to one or multiple computers with nothing more than an Internet connection and a free application, and Google gets to have all the nifty stuff on your computer. Including those pictures of your girlfriend... and your journel that you saved as a .txt file and forgot about... and those resumes which have your contact information and SSN on them...

And suddenly, it doesn't seem so tempting, now does it? Google may be crazy, but no one can doubt their brilliance; they will makes millions of consumers happy, while at the same time, collecting hundreds of terabytes of precious data. Those smart lil' bastards!

Google and their privacy is pretty scary...

Google is lovely and scary at the same time.

Google has built up so much respect and admiration from its users one would hope they'd be careful about squandering it. One opinion is that they may want to use the info they recieve for their targeted advertising service. They say they are not doing that yet, but they wouldn't rule it out.

If they are doing things like this with their add on features for other browsers, how many (knowledgable) people will risk using their proprietary browser if and when they introduce one?

Maybe Google should give Sony a call about how to lose customers through idiotic business practices.

Maybe Google should give Sony a call about how to lose customers through idiotic business practices.

The question is, how do you lose customers, if the customers don't realize what is going on? The people on this forum do their homework, and realize that by giving Google's products too much control, they could be handing over their precious information to the world. But most people don't; they think that if a program is made by Microsoft, or Google, or Adobe, then it is perfect. We call those people IT Professionals :lol: .

But seriously, most people don't take the time to read the EULAs and disclaimers, so they would hand over their data to Google and be none the wiser. It isn't like Google is going to flaunt the fact that by using their software, they control your information.

one question. did this start with version 3.0 or earlier?

Who would want to let someone else have a copy of there Hd contents anyways,especially some server at god knows where. Put an extra HD in your system or get a DVD-DL-RW burner if you need that much space. I sync my main HD to my 2nd HD every night at 3 AM. in the morning then create a DVD backup about every 2 Wks. or as needed depending on what the material is with all the hacking going on now days I wouldnt trust anything saved online to be kept safe.

one question. did this start with version 3.0 or earlier?

Not sure which version but the announcement was this week so I guess it would be the newest version.