I recently upgraded to the latest version 3.08 and found this error when I ran it from the right-click menu on the recycle bin. I also have that other error when you go to sort uninstall entries..
I also had the same problem on a machine with Windows 7 32 bit, Quad Core. Even the log was similar. Everything in the logs looked unfamiliar except this. VA=N_MOZ_HISTORY
So I uninstalled the Mozilla Firefox on the machine and it worked like a charm again. My Firefox version was 3.6.18. Cleaner version was 3.09
I also had the same problem on a machine with Windows 7 32 bit, Quad Core. Even the log was similar. Everything in the logs looked unfamiliar except this. VA=N_MOZ_HISTORY
It would help the developers to fix any possible bugs if you had posted your crash dump log.