And you worry about wiping free space....

Sensitive information for shooting down intercontinental missiles as well as bank details and NHS records was found on old computers, researchers say.....

They should have used well, what?

Yea, I saw that on the news today. Pretty unbelievable they could be so stupid.

One would think governments would know about getting rid of sensitive data, especially that which protects their country. Dumb!

The only way to completely and irrevocably erase all the data on your old hard drive is to smash it into bits......even with a format and wipe data can still be found....;)

The only way to completely and irrevocably erase all the data on your old hard drive is to smash it into bits

Incineration would also work rather well.

Incineration would also work rather well.

In comes the environmentalists saying that burning hard drives adds to greenhouse gases! There's no win-win.

In comes the environmentalists saying that burning hard drives adds to greenhouse gases! There's no win-win.

Maybe if all the environmentalists stopped travelling around to protest or stop using their computers to post dissatisfaction then they'd actually reduce their carbon footprint! :P

In comes the environmentalists saying that burning hard drives adds to greenhouse gases! There's no win-win.

They can use the let off gas and vapor to power something. :lol:

Maybe if all the environmentalists stopped travelling around to protest or stop using their computers to post dissatisfaction then they'd actually reduce their carbon footprint! :P

lol, top post :D

In comes the environmentalists saying that burning hard drives adds to greenhouse gases! There's no win-win.

Notice Al Gore's winter global warming speech gets snowed out frequently... :lol:

Notice Al Gore's winter global warming speech gets snowed out frequently... :lol:

It's a conspiracy, it's all those snow machine doing it. :lol: The weather is like a yoyo, they can make all the predictions and whatnot but it's a wait and see type of thing.

The only way to completely and irrevocably erase all the data on your old hard drive is to smash it into bits......even with a format and wipe data can still be found....;)

Actually Dban will wipe it clean and unrecoverably. They have put it out to anyone who can recovery from a dban wipe, no one has yet. No need to destroy the Hard drive. That is taking it one step further, which isn't bad but unnecessary.


The only way to completely and irrevocably erase all the data on your old hard drive is to smash it into bits......even with a format and wipe data can still be found....;)

Here is some freeware software that will absolutely take care of erasing your harddrive...I have used it for many years. " Eraser is Free software and its source code is released under GNU General Public License." Click on the image I included at the top. These are all of the erase options. The Department of Defense's highest number of passes that they use is 7 passes. You can use any of the number of passes listed...even 35 times if you desire. This will erase every bit of the hardrive is you use the boot nuke. Click on the links on the home page; there is lots of info.

Go here:

Informatin and download Eraser The information on this page also tells you how to make a Boot Nuke. Check it out.

B) RichDaddy

Eraser and DBAN are well known on here as we've recommended them before.

However what government is actually going to take the time to "recycle" a hard disk with such good freebies when they could buy another $120 hdd drive for the "low cost" of $2000.