Analyzing starts over and over

don't know if this is a bug or if it's built in the program itself, but sometimes when i hit "analyze" it just starts over and over agian, taking forever to complete... witch can be preety annoying, so i was wandering if u guys would like 2 take a closer look at this probl and either fix it in a future relase or just post a way to avoid this, or whatever files may be causing it to enter this cycle.

now even if it is part of the program, psichologicaly speeking, it's more annoying to se it start all over again than to have it run slower, and take all the time it needs..



you just have alot of ":crap" its trying to clean. If i were you dont analyze jsut delete it

Do you mean that CC Analyser produces a report and then starts again? Or that the little green bar at the top of the window makes many passes?

If the former then I've never heard of that happening. If the latter, as I rather suspect, it's just taking a long time to analyse, as Rhoney says. Wait until it's finished and then run Clean. If you use CC weekly (say) then you won't get such a large buildup of obsolete files and Analyse will be speedy.


Try turning off the Start Menu and Desktop shortcuts options, that should speed it up.