Analysis Stagnating

I recently updated to DF version 2.16.809. When I try to defrag or analyse my drive it stagnates at 44% and then sits there slowly chewing through my available HD space.

I have tried rebooting then re-installing DF and it does the same thing. This has not happened with any previous versions of DF which I have been using for the past 4 years or so. Not sure if this is a bug or something else but any help would be great.

Hello Danto and welcome to the forum. I haven't had Defraggler get hung up when analyzing a drive, but I have had it get hung up when defragmenting. It could be one large file or a group of smaller files that have become extremely fragmented. Start Defraffler, and let it run until it hits the point where it stalls out. Take note of which block it is on the display. Stop Defraggler, then click on that particular block. The lower panel will display all the files in that block. Click "Fragments" at the top of the second column and re-sort the files, bringing the most fragmented to the top of the list. Then tick on the most heavily fragmented ones, one at a time, and defragment them individually. This will remove the bottleneck. It has worked for me in the past.

sits there slowly chewing through my available HD space.

Do you mean that it chews and consumes, and reduces the amount of Free Space,

or that it slowly progresses through every sector block in strict sequence from beginning to end ?