Analysis report 90MB to be removed but only 93 KB in details

Why does the analysis show 90MB to be removed but the details only show 90KB? It's taking forever to clean.

running Win7 SP1 with microsoft security essentials

Often it's because you have 'only delete files older than 24 hrs selected' for the recyle bin and youve put something big in there in the last 24hrd - and/or have a corrupted bin. So CC sees the files to be removed but you have told it not to, or the bin is reporting files that aren't in there anymore.

Check the 24hr setting first.

Then try the suggestions here, if one of those doesn't sort it then come back to us and we'll try something else.

sometimes some of the scanned files are in usage from the os and cant delete...

Thanks so much. I've just unchecked the boxes regarding 24 hours and will run Cc with my fingers crossed, and if not fixed then will proceed with the other troubleshooting. Also thought about using normal file deletion if there's not any sensitive info to clear. If all else fails, I could do a reinstall, I guess.

As for the os using the file - don't think so, as I'm careful to be offline and not have any other programs running...except for M'soft Security Essentials. Perhaps that's the culprit? Never had a problem before though.

Thanks again, I'll report back later.

Okay, so I turned off the 24 hour preferences and ran but it still stalled. culprit seems to be Firefox cache. Canceled scan and changed to basic clean not level 1 secure. Clean works fine in this mode. So I'm good to go this way. However, the analysis report is still showing MB to be cleaned but the details only show KB, Anyone know why? Thanks again!

Did you try the other suggestions yet to see if they cure that false MB analysis? (The bin fix, Disk Cleanup, and if still no joy then chkdsk).

We have seen these false analysis reports in MB or even GB before and it's usually the bin being corrupted.

You could try right clicking on 'Empty recycle bin' in the CCleaner Windows tab and selecting analyze in the menu that pops up.

If that shows MB to clean then it confirms that a broken bin is the culprit.


In fact, if you have the time, then you can try that right click/analyze with each of your ticked entries in turn to find out which is the one reporting these phantom MB.

Thanks again! The MBs listed now matches the KBs in details (94 MB = 94,000KB) so I think I'm good to go. But I'll know what to do if it goes haywire again, thanks to you! every good wish - Cheers! have a pint for me :D

Good to hear you got it sorted.

Just for info did you use one of the suggested fixes? If so which one(s)?

Or did it just fix itself next time yot booted?

It fixed itself the next time - strange, but I'm grateful :D Thanks again!

Well at least it's fixed, even if we'll never be quite sure why.

I'm still suspecting that it was a problem with files deleted from the bin still showing up as being in there days/weeks/months later, but Windows seems to have given itself a kick in the background/backside eventually.

haha! who knows what lurks in the heart of M'soft :D