analyis totally inconsistent

I have used defraggler(current 2.18.945) since the start of it .on the same XP system,it used to defrag down to 100mbs ish ! with a clean up analyis of around 1gb !! Now !! It is analysing up & ending with 10.8gb ??.........over the past month the analyis is all over the place !this week i closed defrag with 8mb showing & in the morning i checked defraggler to see what the analyis would be & it showed 28mbs there currently is No regular consistent reduction ! Also i do not understand when checking the defrg file list !! It shows an error message !of not being able to defrag all the files & reverts back to the orignal analyis .?? can you advise please , the program WAS always working 100% & its safe & reliable , can we get back to that please !!......jewells

How much space do you use on the hard drive you are trying to defrag? Defragmenting doesn't work well if more than 90% of the space on it is used.

Thank you ! only appx 60% of the hard drive is used ! never been a problem before ..J

even those that "fill gaps" alongside defrag and Defraggler is the slowest of them. The algorithm tends to shuffle all data around, for no particular reason.

even those that "fill gaps" alongside defrag and Defraggler is the slowest of them. The algorithm tends to shuffle all data around, for no particular reason.

many thanks ,i have just thought of a Good idea !! watch this space ? J

jewells here !Having spent hours re defraggling with excessive results ?(a bug/glitch here somewhere )? if you have the same problem Do This!! Download A simular product Do an analyis & Defrag...Result will be a very LOW Junk files etc etc mine was 375mb ?? previously with defraggler 16.3 mbs Crazy !!...............Then run Defraggler & see what the results turn out ...Mine was 375mb............Defraggler free(no support) great program !!Now running properly as well as the other de-frag program but sometimes you have to step outside & look elsewhere ...Enjoy ...J

I don't think it's any great secret jewells that sometimes a different defrag tool has to be used every now and then to get required results. It's why I have five different defrag tools.

that's why there is no one program that exclusively does a function.

multiple products means multiple happy customers.

everyone gravitates to the software that works best in their particular circumstance.