Analsys results screwy

I'm getting an increase in Fragmentation percentage every time, it seems, I defrag my drive. My Fragmented Files and Total Fragments are pretty low 16/102 to have 32% fragmentation (analsys then defrag then another analsys). A repeat defrag (as I post this) resulted in lower frag numbers and another gain in fragmentation. This has to be a bug??

have you ticked Stop VSS?

OS and DF version?

try running DF from Safe Mode?

i have used defraggler(current 2.18.945) since the start of it .on the same XP system,it used to defrag down to 100mbs ish ! with a clean up analyis of around 1gb !! Now !! It is analysing up & ending with 10.8gb ??.........over the past month the analyis is all over the place !this week i closed defrag with 8mb showing & in the morning i checked defraggler to see what the analyis would be & it showed 28mbs ther currently is No regular consistent reduction ! Also i do not understand when checking the defrg file list !! It shows an error message !of not being able to defrag all the files & reverts back to the orignal analyis .?? can you advise please , the program WAS always working 100% & its safe & reliable , can we get back to that please !!......jewells

@jewells, please start your own thread so you can get info pertaining to your own particular problem.