My suggestion is that we should have an easier way to update. Insteed of going to ccleaners website, find the new version and then download and install, it should just be a function when you start CCleaner like:
A newer version is avaiable, do you want to upate?
Yes or No is your option.
Then it connects to ccleaners server and dwonloads the newer version and then automatical upgrades. Then you start it over and wohoo, CCleaner is newer
Whats your opinion guys? I don't have a problem with going to your website and download but my friend, many of them n00bs at this softwares, are having problem and think its annoying to go to your website when there is a new version available
You guys say this is for the noobs, but any idiot can click "Yes" when it asks to update, and click twice on the website: Alternative Download, and the "download it now instead of waiting five seconds" link.
This feature is completely unnecessary and would just be more work for Piriform that it doesn't need to do.