AMD Athlon Xp 2000+ Overheats...

Hi, I bought a new MB not too long ago from MB: MSI KM4M-V Via Socket A MicroATX Motherboard. When I connected everything, the MB turned on alright until I got the Blue Screen of Death when Windows tried to load from the CD as I was trying to Reformat.

Next I tried my 80GB HDD and the same thing happened. Now, when I went into the Bios I saw that my CPU was at 156F! I turned it off and as of that day I have no clue to what is going on.

I did buy a... new video card for my games. My other MB did not like the card. It's a Powercolor 9600Pro 256MB 128-Bit 400/400MHZ. The other MB was an MSI KT266Pro ver. 2. when I ran the computer with the new Video card windows was kinda... acting up. The aTI drivers I already had installed did not act right wit the card. Later... asI restarted the Blue Screen Of Death Came and since then I have not been able to use my MB. I tried changing cards and nothin. now I doo think the card had something to do with the CPU. Has this ever happen or... could happen? How can a card all-of-the-sudden mess things up?

please help...

An Athlon 2000+ shouldn't hardly generate any heat in the first place. The stock cooler that comes with it should be more than adequate. I've installed several Athlon 3200+'s which use the same cooler, and they don't get anywhere near that hot!

So, my best guess is either your mobo's thermometer is way off, or you didn't properly attach the cooler or the cooler's power cable for the fan.

Have you mounted a cooler on a CPU before? They can be kind of tricky for first-time users, so perhaps the heatsink isn't contacting the CPU. Also, if you didn't hook the fan's power cable into the correct spot on the mobo, your fan may not be running. It wouldn't take long for your heatsink/CPU to overheat, and if you do that too many times, your proc is toast! Make sure everything is properly attached and contacting before you start it up again.

Your GPU wouldn't affect the CPU's temperature (unless it is blowing its heat right on the CPU), although it could potentially be the reason your comp keeps crashing, assuming the CPU temp reader is faulty and your CPU is okay.

Let me know what you find out.

I have checked that everything is in place and that all cables are set in place. I think it could be my CPU overall. The MB may be reading it wrong as I've read somewhere that someone had that problem before on a different MB. I may need to buy a new one though.