All my files are now corrupted...

On the 31st I ran ccleaner and it said to update it. It was updated to version 5.01.5075. I run windows 7 ultimate. When I came into work today all my client files would not open as it said they were corrupted. This is for all files whether they be word, excel, PDF's. I also noticed that all the files that were corrupted have the same date. The date for all the corrupted files is 12/31/14 3:41pm.

I am frankly not amused, I have been using ccleaner for a long time and having close to 3,000 client files inaccessible is quite disconcerting. I will remove ccleaner from my system as the current version does not work.

not amused.


Nothing of that sort has changed in ccleaner.

This is especially true if you only installed ccleaner and did not do something like cleaning the registry

I'd run ChkDsk on that system, and then use a recent System Restore Point to undo changes - especially undoing registry changes if any were made.

maybe try upload to GDrive or use other working pc

just to make sure the file really corrupt and not the program/windows

Either your file extentions are mixed up or your files have been locked by malware.

If the recommendations above don't work you can try undoing the registry changes.

Usually this only requires double clicking on the backup file, then answering yes to the prompt

If you allowed CCleaner to make a backup before fixing selected registry issues, that backup file might still be available.

To find it, search your system drive for a file with a name like this: cc_20150102_195241.reg

The name shows the date & time the backup file was created.

I found this one by searching for cc_*.reg. (in win xp)

Even if this issue was not caused by CCleaner the above advices are worth a try.


any chance you remember where the update was downloaded from when CC prompted you an update was available?

The file you downloaded dor CCleaner has filename: ccsetup501pro.exe. I imagine you can search for it on your system.

The file you downloaded dor CCleaner has filename: ccsetup501pro.exe. I imagine you can search for it on your system.

or it could be ccsetup501.exe for the free or portable builds or ccsetup501_slim.exe for the slim build.

finding the file could be useful, knowing where the file was downloaded from may be more helpful.

one avenue to check is whether the OP got a legit download file or not.