i want to ask is there any plan to bring all priform softwares in a package besides single ones? (some thing like some other PC utilities such as Tuneup Utilities)
i want to ask is there any plan to bring all priform softwares in a package besides single ones? (some thing like some other PC utilities such as Tuneup Utilities)
Piriform only has 4 different programs for downloading, for such a small number it doesn't make sense to zip them all into one file when you could quite easily download them individually.
Richard S.
Every day Windows makes more junk for CCleaner to remove.
I use CCleaner every day.
I periodically update and it finds the new homes that Firefox updates choose for junk
Only twice in 6 years have I needed a report on my system.
Each time an developer stipulated some other tool that he knew would show why his application failed on my system
Never needed Speccy.
Do not want it bundled in.
Why update it - the old one that worked on my 30 GB drive still works well on my new 160 GB drive
Do not want it bundled in.
I do not delete what I need ! ! !
And if I do then I have backups.
Do not want it bundled in.