ALG.exe (Application Layer Gateway Service)

I have been going through my services and processes seeing which ones I can terminate to stream line things. I have been using Google as well as Black Viper's site and The elder Geek site for the services. ALG.exe is a process running as a result of the Application Layer Gateway Service. The results from Google are mixed about this service. It is apparently needed for the Windows Firewall but Black Viper says it's not since SP2. I have disabled the service and Windows Fire Wall works fine. Any body have this service disabled and have you noticed any negative results?

I've had it disabled for a long time and never had any problem. I can't comment on whether it affects the Windows firewall though as I don't use it.

I've had it disabled for a long time and never had any problem. I can't comment on whether it affects the Windows firewall though as I don't use it.

Well it's good to hear you haven't had any problems since disabling it. I am using the Windows Firewall, also I am behind a hard ware fire wall in my router and they play nicely together, and the Windows Firewall is running fine with ALG.exe disabled. One more waste of resources zapped. ;)

Thanks for this...I was always under the impression that it should be enabled, given the advice from the TweakGuides Tweaking Companion.

As you less resource sapper. :)

Thanks for this...I was always under the impression that it should be enabled, given the advice from the TweakGuides Tweaking Companion.

As you less resource sapper. :)

I read that guide to and picked up some good tips from it. One of the suggestions from the author was to take look at Black Viper's Window's Services Guide to help you figure out what you can disable safely. Here is what Black viper says about the Application Layer Gateway Service.

He say the manual setting is safe but but it kept on starting up when setting to manual for me. I was concerned it would break the Windows Fire Wall if I disabled it but it doesn't and he says it won't since Service Pack 2.