Again, AVG free vs AVAST, again

Sorry about this repeat topic, but I really want to know which one is better, among AVG free which is my current av soft, AVAST (never tried), and free-av (my previous av soft), I'm using AVG right now, it seems work pretty good, but after installed this one I never found any craps on my system, normally, there were some viruses found every month when I used free-av, now I wonder if my system is really OK or AVG is not that good as I expect.

If AVG is working good for you with no problems then stick with it, i use and prefer avast anti virus. If you think you may have a virus that avg is not detecting do a online scan using Trend Micro housecall. I personally use avast anti virus because it is as good as avg it just has a better interface.

I also prefer the GUI of avast without the skins, it makes it very easy to use without it looking like some media player. The only problem I've had with avast is the resident shield has never worked with Win9x systems I've installed avast onto, which is the reason why I'll never put avast on a Win9x system again and instead use AVG for those systems.

As far as detection goes between avast and AVG I'm not sure, however I have used AVG Free for years on my Win9x system and not once has a virus got though -- comfirmation scans were done with Trend HouseCall.