Hi there, I have CCleaner Pro. I had the panel opened at the 'Cleaner' section and went down to 'Adavanced'. I Clicked on the blue info button, but instead of info, it kept ticking the options in the lower greyed out part of the rows. I don't understand them so better left alone, I didn't realise they would tick/check. My main problem is, now I can't untick them, each time I try, another tick applies. There is no cancel option either. I can't get the Cleaner Window to close. The ticks are on , Windows event logs, Old prefetch Data, Menu order Cache, Tray Notifications Cache and so on. At present I have CCleaner minimised in the tray waiting for some kind person to give me an answer please. Regards.
The info icon was a bad icon choice on piriform's part. It's just a header icon like the ones above the other sections. As far as your bug on reticking after untick, that's a bit odd. You should be able to right click the icon and choose restore default settings and it should return to only the ones piriform initially had checked when the product was installed.
As always, while we welcome your participation in this user-community forum and will happily continue helping you here, I would like to remind you as a purchaser of the Pro version you're entitled to direct priority developer support.
I had a thought, they should stop reticking the next one after you've accepted all of the warnings that pop up
Hi, no, I can't right click on anything, I keep getting a 'ting'. I have a Warning window up after each click, when I tick OK, I get another tick in the next box !
How do I get Direct Support please ?
Yes go through all those warnings, without ticking anything else, once all the warnings are gone you can do the right click default thing
Wrong url removed
Correct support url
I have contacted support via email. May I assume they will take some time to reply ? Meanwhile, do you suggest I keep going until all are ticked (I have no option, each time I click OK, I get another tick, can't get rid of it). After all are ticked there will be a Default option ? Apologies for being pesty
Yes once they are all ticked, and you've ok'd all the warnings, you should be able to right click and reset
Eureka ! That did the trick ! I hope no one else has that silly problem on an otherwise great product. Again, many thanks for your help. Grateful Regards, Heather.
Glad it worked out
Me too !