advanced update windows 7


how can I set the advanced updates in windows 7? I find no way



in vista it works but not in w7

does anyone have any idea?

GOOGLE for the words "Microsoft Updates", not "Windows Update". Then this link should be pulled up:

doesnt work


Does this page help?

no :wacko: the same as post 3

i have read the onlinehelp

How to install drivers and other optional updates from Windows Update

Even if you have specified that all important and recommended updates from Windows Update to automatically download and install, you still might not get all the updated drivers available for the device. For example, the optional updates include updated drivers that are available for installed hardware or devices. Optional updates are not downloaded and installed automatically by Windows. However, you will be notified when optional updates are available.

Check to retrieve all available updates for the devices Windows Update regularly for updates, including optional updates. You can check the available updates and then select individual updates in the list of updates found by Windows for your computer. To do this follow these instructions:

Click here to open Windows Update.

On the left pane, click Check for updates, and then wait while Windows is wanted for the latest updates for your computer.

If updates are available, click on the link in the box under Windows Update to see more information about each update. Each of the types of updates may contain drivers.

Search the Select the updates to be installed for updates for your hardware devices, select the check boxes for the driver to install, and then click OK. There may be no driver updates are available.

--> this works not on my pc, there is no box for "drivers and other softwareupdates"

before i installed the new 7, i had an advanced update box... now is ...nothing.

On the Windows Update page Install Updates. Administrator permission required If you are prompted for an administrator password or confirmation, type the password or provide confirmation.

there are differences in the installable windows7 professonial versions?

the last time i have installed from holo-dvd.

now i have installed from the downloaded w7-iso from usb-stick... are perhaps in this version no advanced updates available?

- What did the "Advanced Update" do in Vista ? Download new drivers for some hardware components ? And/or download updates for other MS software ? e.g. MS Office ?

- I still use MS Works/Office 2003 on my Win 7 laptop and when I activated "Microsoft Updates" (NOT "Windows Updates") then I received the updates for MS Office 2003. MS still had them.

- I also received (after the latest re-install) driver software for my touchpad & screen hardware. And I received an update for my laser printer after installing the software. But I didn't receive new software updates for e.g. the network adaptor. Like I did when I still had my XP laptop.

The story above suggests that there aren't any driver updates available for your hardware. I also installed my Win 7 system using an unpacked *.ISO file from a USB stick.

- What did the "Advanced Update" do in Vista ? Download new drivers for some hardware components ? And/or download updates for other MS software ? e.g. MS Office ?

- I still use MS Works/Office 2003 on my Win 7 laptop and when I activated "Microsoft Updates" (NOT "Windows Updates") then I received the updates for MS Office 2003. MS still had them.

- I also received (after the latest re-install) driver software for my touchpad & screen hardware. And I received an update for my laser printer after installing the software. But I didn't receive new software updates for e.g. the network adaptor. Like I did when I still had my XP laptop.

The story above suggests that there aren't any driver updates available for your hardware. I also installed my Win 7 system using an unpacked *.ISO file from a USB stick.

- driver for graphic, printer and ms office 2010

- there is no option to activate microsoft update, i dont know why, i dont know where

- on my xp, vista and old 7 too, but not on my new installed version...

7 has updates for printer, graphic and soundcard, but not in my new version



how can i recall this ... messagewindows? it came only one time, i have probably the wrong ticked to acitvate advanced update service...?

does anyone have an idea?

i triet it again with driver update via update from microsoft


do i need any extra software?

as c++ or so?

i havent this installed...because I currently dont need it

all that 'extra' software like Visual Studio, C++ Redistributable, SQL Server, XML Parser etc will be installed automatically from the 3rd party software when it gets installed.

for example, installing AVG will also install Visual Studio.

- I tried to find "Microsoft Update" again today but it seems this feature/website/ ........ has been pulled.

- Did you perhaps install win 7 on a system that came with Vista ? Then I can imagine that MS won't offer those updates/drivers for your Win 7 system. Perhaps the manufacturer of that hardware has those updates on his website ?

- MS has a special part where one can download updates for MS Office. This the german home page for MS Office products:

and use the search feature.

But will MS allow those updates to be installed on your Win 7 system ? My experiences with MS Office 2003 in combination with Win 7 doesn't make me very hopeful. All things put together, it seems MS, this time, is very determined to push/force the user to other/newer (& paid for) MS products.

all that 'extra' software like Visual Studio, C++ Redistributable, SQL Server, XML Parser etc will be installed automatically from the 3rd party software when it gets installed.

for example, installing AVG will also install Visual Studio.

i have a new clear windows 7 without this kind of software-only ccleaner, defraggler as portable, firefox, netframwork 2 for surfstick.

i havent installed flash etc. :-)

- I tried to find "Microsoft Update" again today but it seems this feature/website/ ........ has been pulled.

- Did you perhaps install win 7 on a system that came with Vista ? Then I can imagine that MS won't offer those updates/drivers for your Win 7 system. Perhaps the manufacturer of that hardware has those updates on his website ?

- MS has a special part where one can download updates for MS Office. This the german home page for MS Office products:

and use the search feature.

But will MS allow those updates to be installed on your Win 7 system ? My experiences with MS Office 2003 in combination with Win 7 doesn't make me very hopeful. All things put together, it seems MS, this time, is very determined to push/force the user to other/newer (& paid for) MS products.

- yes, I thought it by myself that such a thing could be, before I had even extended the updates for windows 7 activated

- this pc was an xp-pc :-) but no problem, it goes fine with w7 if the driver installed

- thank you for your downloadlink :-)

my printer and soundcard has been supported since xp, vista too and w7. also with different office-suiten. on the w7 system is office 2010 installed, but no updates comes, but on vista i have updates downloaded ;-)

i dont know, was wrong with advanced updates from microsoft... :wacko: i have taken the updates from vista office 2010 ;-)

My MS Works Suite 2003 (installed on my Win 7 laptop) got corrupted today. I was forced to re-install the entire Suite. (still have the DVD). Tried "Microsoft Updates" again but that seems to be finally gone. But I was surprised to see that Windows Update offered ALL the updates for the MS Works Suite 2003 without any problem.

So, if you still have the Original MS Office DVD then I would presume that a (removal &) fresh re-install of MS Office would trigger Windows Update to offer all the updates again.

i will make it so :-)

Did you perhaps install win 7 on a system that came with Vista ? Then I can imagine that MS won't offer those updates/drivers for your Win 7 system. Perhaps the manufacturer of that hardware has those updates on his website ?

this w7-version is from dell... perhaps that's why MS refuses advanced updates for other programs.

by the way: apparently this version of Windows 7 does not work as a suitable upgrade version to Windows 10. so far I have no icon on the taskbar with KB 3035583 -> Notification for Windows 10

What version on Win 7 do you have?

(I presume it does have SP!)

w7 32 bit sp1 ... sorry i was a little imprecise

i think I'm going to re-install the other version of the Holo-DVD, because everything was somehow "better"