1. Advanced Disk Cleanup
The common disk cleanup method that is done by the computer's own disk cleanup module (namely cleanmgr.exe ) is simply not enough but Windows has a secret but advanced disk cleanup module that not so many has ever heard of.
To use this, open an elevated command prompt, paste this text:
%SystemRoot%\System32\Cmd.exe /c Cleanmgr /sageset:65535 & Cleanmgr /sagerun:65535
and hit ENTER. Just scroll and you will see many rather odd categories it can clean.
I am not sure whether CCleaner can clean all of them but note that it is neither required nor necessary to delete all of them. This is from Windows 7, not sure about XP and Vista.
2. Clear the Event Viewer in Windows 7 in just a double click
I have suggested before in this THREAD about clearing the Event Viewer.
The Event Viewer in Windows XP is so much more easier to clear than in Windows Vista and Windows 7 but here is a script. Open Notepad and paste the following:
@echo off
FOR /F "tokens=1,2*" %%V IN ('bcdedit') DO SET adminTest=%%V
IF (%adminTest%)==(Access) goto noAdmin
for /F "tokens=*" %%G in ('wevtutil.exe el') DO (call :do_clear "%%G")
echo goto theEnd
echo clearing %1
wevtutil.exe cl %1
goto :eof
then save it as Clean Viewer.bat
That should be the exact name. Its a batch file, save it on your desktop or wherever you want. Just double click it and a command prompt should run, clearing all log lists on the Event Viewer. It works on Windows 7 but I'm not sure about Windows XP and Vista.
Note: Do this only is you absolutely don't need the log lists of the Event Viewer anymore.