Adult Site Blocker

does any one know a good software which is can block all teh adults

i dotn waana pay to get it just it for a friend of mine as he uses porn sites a lot and it f***s up the computer and then i have to clean ti up for him

so it would be great if any one could list any software which would help me out to stop my m8 going on to porn sites

thanks for ur time in advance

have a great day u alllllllll

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Moderatoring Team

Dheeraj you really need to quit posting links. I dont know where your from but if you live in the US or other countries with legal ramifications for stealing software you can be fined severly. Hellboy are you familiar with here is a search I did for you with free LEGAL downloads:

Along with filtering software blocking sites via the browser, and the HOSTS file will also work and I'd recommend it, hence filtering software can be easily shutdown.

In the meantime tell your friend to get a girlfriend, or hook him up then he won't need to visit such sites.

well... i dont download from ... i download from SnapFiles!

basically, i dont think using these software will help... because your friend can disable it... and there he goes again... so if he really really want to surf adult sites, there is hardly anyway to stop him...

In the meantime tell your friend to get a girlfriend, or hook him up then he won't need to visit such sites.


Now you are talking crazy. :blink:

Get a girlfriend and you won't masterbate either? :unsure:

If he would use Mozilla Firefox then he could probably visit "adult sites" without having to worry about getting infected with things.

Good idea is to enable popup blocker, disable Java and JavaScript.

There are many adult content filter software such as NetNanny etc, you can search on google.

In Internet Explorer under Tools -> Internet Options... -> Content you can enable Content filtering.

The real stumper is why would someone want to install something on someone elses system without their knowledge that blocks content, regardless of our thoughts about it. Almost sounds like what adware, spyware does. Just telling him what it (porn) does to his system may be the best blocker available!