I never had this problem a few CCleaner Versions ago, do you suggest I download an older
version?,....IF ONE CAN?, Have not tried.
MY OS is
Windows 98SE with IE 6... (I Know its a relic!)
Pentium II I think, 128 meg RAM..
First, don't pass go, go directly to backing up that computer. Anything that is important for you to save or anything you might think may be important, back it up now.
Second, let me say that I'm impressed that, that computer is still running, of course I don't know if you've already replaced the hard drive or not. If not, that's really something since the hdd manufacturers really only shoot for a life span of about 5 years. Here is the rule, ALL HARD DRIVES FAIL, it's not a matter of "IF", it's a matter of "WHEN".
Third, now that you've done your backups, and now that I'm down off my soap box, I think you're on the right track. But I'll suggest that you give Firefox a try. It's smaller and faster than IE with better security. The one downside to Firefox 2 (version 3 is coming soon), is that it can eat memory (RAM) like nobody's business depending on usage. If you are installing Flash by going to their site and downloading and then running without saving to a folder on your drive before you run it, that also may be a problem. This is one of the problems with IE. In IE you can run executables right from Temporary Internet files/folders. When you go to download Flash and it asks you if you want to "Run" or "Save", choose "Save" and put it into a folder you will remember and maybe even create a folder named Flash so you can find it later. Once the download is finished, open the folder you saved to and then close IE before you start to install. This may solve the issue.
If it doesn't, the list of previous versions is listed on the filehippo site under the current version.
After all of that I'm about out of ideas but it's been a long day. Maybe a few more cups of coffee or a liter or two of Dr. Pepper I'll think of something else.