Adobe Acrobat 8.0

I notice that both Adobe Acrobat 8.0 and Adobe Reader 8.0 are listed in the Applications to clean. However, I only appear to have the Reader installed, not Acrobat.

Just wondered why this is? (Only noticed this recently.)

Don't worry. I have installed Adobe Reader v10 recently as well and it has added two entries to the registry called ""Acrobat Reader"" and ""Adobe Acrobat"". In the first registry entry info for Adobe Reader is registered. The second registry entry contains only a very limited amount of data/info for Adobe Acrobat but as a result of that second entry CC thinks that Adobe Acrobat has been installed as well.

Please look for

HKCU\Software\Adobe\Adobe Acrobat\8.0

in your registry

if it is there that is why acrobat is showing on ccleaner

I don't know if that entry is used in reader (I don't think it is) so I'll have to wait til I get to a computer with only reader installed and see

(in willy's case it'll be HKCU\Software\Adobe\Adobe Acrobat\10.0 )

Please look for

HKCU\Software\Adobe\Adobe Acrobat\8.0

in your registry

Yes, I do have this key in my registry. However, I do not actually have Adobe Acrobat installed as such.

I notice that both Adobe Acrobat 8.0 and Adobe Reader 8.0 are listed in the Applications to clean. However, I only appear to have the Reader installed, not Acrobat.

Just wondered why this is? (Only noticed this recently.)

It appears to be due to a change in the detection rules

for Adobe Reader 8.0 & Adobe Acrobat 8.0 where the AVGeneral

subkey is removed.

   <! = old version
  !> = ccleaner version 3.03

[Adobe Reader 8.0]
<! Detect=HKCU\Software\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\8.0\AVGeneral
!> Detect=HKCU\Software\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\8.0

[Adobe Acrobat 8.0]
<! Detect=HKCU\Software\Adobe\Adobe Acrobat\8.0\AVGeneral
!> Detect=HKCU\Software\Adobe\Adobe Acrobat\8.0

If I'm correct you do not have this registry key ending in AVGeneral.

HKCU\Software\Adobe\Adobe Acrobat\8.0\AVGeneral

The same may apply to Adobe Reader 9.0 & 10.0 plus the just added

Adobe Acrobat 9.0 & 10.0.

But I'm not certain.

The point - IMO - is that when the user installs Adobe Reader only, two registry keys called ""HKCU\Software\Adobe\xxx\Acrobat Reader\...."" and ""HKCU\Software\Adobe\xxx\Adobe Acrobat"" are created. (The xxx is the version number e.g. 8.0, 9.0 or 10.0). And then that second registry key in combination with the abbreviated detection line makes CC v3.03 think that the Acrobat software has been installed as well.

Solution: CC v3.03 and higher versions shouldn't contain/use that abbreviated detection line for detecting Acrobat. This also assumes that Adobe Reader 9.0 and higher versions do create that registry key ""HKCU\......\.....\....\....\AVgeneral"" as well.

I only have Adobe Reader X installed but Ccleaner still lists both this and Acrobat X as Applications. Deleting the registry entries for Acrobat temporarily removes it from Ccleaner but opening Reader results in Acrobat being listed as a Ccleaner Application again.

Has anyone found a way of restricting the Ccleaner Application to just Adobe Reader where that is the only program installed?

Adobe Reader seems to add that registry key to the registry each time it's used.