June 13, 2015, 1:52pm
hi fans,
i fumble just around on Vista and have found that I probably have not the full admin rights . but my account is listed as the admin
also i can not uninstall unnecessary Vista software
and with UAC I also had problems ( I could not change the level ... ) and i have therefore disabled by regedit
does anyone know how to get back the full administrator rights in Vista ?
If it were my machine I would use Windows Repair from (the developer smc1979 is a member here)
When you get to the repairs tab only select the boxes for file permissions and registry permissions .
It will take a little while to run.
June 13, 2015, 5:22pm
thank you for your advice, i have try it...
--> the state of admin rights has remained the same
--> for now missing in the update is set to " for windows and other products..."
June 13, 2015, 5:32pm
in conjunction with Vista I have a question ...
i have a kind of " photo calendar " with changing pics still from W98 - hours . With UAC enabled the small program is constantly being blocked . (in 7 too)
Is there a way to define an exception rule for the UAC so that it no longer blocked in the future ?
(without uac works)
June 15, 2015, 7:43pm
somehow that did not work ... its only for w7.
" ignore the UAC " with trigger function ( at startup and 2.nd as login --> has both not worked . there came the error message : "You are not logged on the network "
--> i thought: what for a network at home?
maybe I need sometime reinstall Windows Vista or I just turn only the UAC from .
but I thank you very much for your help , Hazelnut