Adjusting defrag parameters for speed

When I run Defraggler, it seems like it runs pretty slow under "Full Defrag".

What I mean by slow is, if I select all the files under Files list for defrag (& defrag those instead of files + free space), then it seems to complete LOTS faster.

Consolidating free space afterwards ("Full Defrag") doesn't seem to take as long because the files are already defragged.

All it has to do is consolidate.


I could be wrong, but in watching the process, it appears that Defraggler tries to defrag + consolidate on the fly as it is working on each individual file(s).

If this is so, would it not be much faster to separate the processes?

That is to say: When a user selects full defrag, then it will:

- Defrag all files first (by the custom or default filter depending on what is selected)

- Consolidate all files secondly

By utilizing this method, it will alleviate stress on the CPU & harddisk too because Defraggler will be focusing on 1 task at a time, instead of Defrag a file or two, consolidate, then defrag another set of files, then consolidate.

Wouldn't it just be better & faster too if Defraggler does all the defragging in a process, then follow it up by consolidation?


It is a known fact, for instance, that if you try to copy a 5 GB file to one drive from your main harddisk, then copy another 5 GB file to another drive that it will take more time than to just copy a 10 GB file to 1 drive.

Sure, Windows can load balance, but then the drive has to double work as it switches between files to send to each drive. If your computer is so fast that you don't really notice, just try letting your CD or DVD drive copy content to multiple places at a time & listen to the stutter as opposed to how fast it is on a straight copy to 1 device.

Although Defraggler is good, if this would help speed it up, hey, I always love extra speed!

Let me know what you all think & correct me if I am wrong about how Defraggler operates.

I am just making an estimation based on trials with Defraggler & utilizing the visual map that it presents as it is working.

Feel free to comment. Thanks!