hey i was wondering if any on uses adelphia high speed internt becuase i was try to find out what the email server they use is. the reason i am wondering is becuase i am try to set up ThunderBird. If you can tell me what server it is or how to find out please tell me. I have tried text support but i am not getting any one... Thanks
forget it.....
i did it myself
I have adelphia too. Just curious what kind of speed do you get. I tested it here and got 4 megabits:
I only get 3.5mg...
Do you have the pro version or regular and were do you live.
Maybe you just live in a spot with a better connection?
Also what type of modem box thing do you have. I have a Motorola one.
I just have their basic cable modem deal. I live in Georgia so I'm not sure if I live in a better connection area than you or not.
I also have a crappy moterolla surf board modem, I hate it. I don't get why it dosen't have an off button so you can reset it.
I don't know if my router affects my speed or not. I'm behind a standard linksys wireless/firewall router.
so you can have the normal motoral modem and also a router???
I thought you could only have one..
So would that mean instead of going from the modem ethernet plug straight to your computer you would first plug itinto the linkseys router then another wire to your computer???
So would that mean instead of going from the modem ethernet plug straight to your computer you would first plug itinto the linkseys router then another wire to your computer???
This is the exact router I have:
so it a wireless router.
Is there any good wire routers you recomend
so it a wireless router.
Is there any good wire routers you recomend
Your sure that you never plan to buy a laptop with wireless internet? Or put a PC in another room away from the modem? Well, I did a bit of bargain hunting for wired routers for you. I think I found the best deals you will find right now. (These things are constantly being put on sale).
Both are from circuit city and are under $25.
They have a linksys router with a $10 instant and $10 rebate that would make it $20.
They have a D link router for $25 with no rebate.
I think either of those would be good, but my vote is with the linksys. You might want to do a bit of hunting though. Now these don't have firewalls, so you might want to consider that.
This is a wired linksys firewalled router for $50
The thing is that you can get a wireless router with a firewall like mine for $60.
You just have to get something that fits your needs and wants. I would just do some research.
thanks so much right now i can't decide either to get the wired or wireless.. I think i might go with the wireless. Just incase i ever get alaptop. Thanks for all the help. The model you have is it from curcit city? Were i live ther is only best buy and i don't think they have that model... If i am wrong about that just tell me thanks for all the help
I got mine on sale at staples for about $40 ( A couple of months ago.)
At bestbuy it costs $70.
The best deal they have is a firewalled/wireless netgear router for $30. It seems to have the exact same specs as my linksys router too.
Here is the manufacturers website for the netgear router:
If I was going to go out and buy one right now, thats the one I would get. If you plan to wait a while then keep a look out for sales.
ya i might do the one that you have. It seems to have good specs. The thing i don't know is will i need any wierd wireless cards or can i still just plug it straght in to the computer. I know i would need a wireless card for a laptop but i am not sure for a desktop.
Thanks for all your help.
If you have a Instant messange Screen name rridgely could you pm it to me that would be great.
The router will have four ethernet ports in the back to use for wired connections. To have a desktop connection to be wireless you will need a wireless adapter card. (802.11g for the best speed.)
Sorry, but I dont use instant messaging at all (I don't even have an account). If you have any questions just send me a PM or post here (I come here at least once a day).
rrigley what would you say would be the best wireless desktop card for my computer. Or what do you use to connect it??
Connected to my router I have two pcs and occasionally a laptop. The two desktops are wired and sitting right next to the router. The laptop is connected wirelessly and is my friends who dosent have high speed internet, so he leeches off my connection when he comes over. The only reason I bought a wireless router is that within the next 3 or 4 months I plan to buy a laptop.
The main thing to look for is to make sure you get an 802.11g card. Other than that is dosent really matter.
Linksys wireless desktop card: