Adding User Comments To Tools|Startup Screen

I'm wondering if anyone else thinks having CCleaner store user comments regarding a given PC's Startup Programs would be a useful feature?

My family has about 7 computers. Each one is setup differently, & I can never remember the sources of the startup programs, and why or when I might have them enabled/disabled them. As a result, I find myself doing the same "What Is?" Google searches every few months.

I'm not complaining, mind you, CCleaner is already a great utility -- it's my poor memory that is the issue....

Probably would be useful. In the meantime you can export the Startup list via CCleaner, just right click on any entry and choose "Save to text file". That will export the whole Startup settings. Be very careful not to accidentally click Delete which is right above it.:huh:

Looks like this example (right click and open in New tab to view the full size image):
