adding paramaters

How do I add the /S and /AUTO parameters? Thanks. esmo

The /S switch I believe is for silent installation. Open a command prompt (cmd) and go to the folder where you downloaded the ccleaner installer. Type the installer name, followed by the /S switch.

To run Ccleaner with the /AUTO switch, you can either do it as above from the command prompt, or add it into a batch script.

The /S switch I believe is for silent installation. Open a command prompt (cmd) and go to the folder where you downloaded the ccleaner installer. Type the installer name, followed by the /S switch.

To run Ccleaner with the /AUTO switch, you can either do it as above from the command prompt, or add it into a batch script.

On my machine Ccleaner is at d:\program files\ccleaner\ccleaner.exe. When I type this in at a command prompt I am told that "program" is not recognized . What am I doing wrong?

You have to wrap stuff in quotes such as in your case:

"D:\Program Files\CCleaner\ccleaner.exe" /AUTO


"%ProgramFiles%\CCleaner\ccleaner.exe" /AUTO

or (Win9x/DOS compatible, no quotes needed):

D:\Progra~1\CCleaner\ccleaner.exe /AUTO

... or you can CD (change directory) to the D:\Program Files\Ccleaner folder and execute it from there.