CC is including my Desktop shortcuts and links, and my self-created (Right-click) "Send To" links in its cleaner. I want all these left alone; though, in truth, I don't know if leaving them in place would actually result in them being removed. I have tried to exclude the entire Desktop by ADDing...
... to the Exclusion list. But they all continue to be presented.
Not tried Excluding "Send To" links yet.
I cannot add each file individually or in groups to the Exclusion list as I am not given that option on the right-click menu for those entries.
For the first entry, I used Browse to get to the Desktop to ensure I got the path exactly as CC wanted it, and typed in the other entries myself.
OP never mentioned why the wanting to exclude them. Some things in CCleaner are difficult to get it to properly exclude, so perhaps try excluding the "Desktop" as a folder instead of the files stored in it like .URL, .LNK.
Sorted. Although the path given was C:\Users\(ME)\*.lnk, it was actually looking at the Recycle bin. I noticed that several links listed no longer existed on the Desktop. I Emptied the bin, and they were no longer offered by CC.
So, "there must be something else at play here..." was right. Could do with a Bin icon alongside those files, maybe?
Could do with a Bin icon alongside those files, maybe?
It can most definitely use a Bin icon as you stated!
On several occasions the way it lists stuff to be deleted has had me go looking, only to find out it was in the Recycle Bin which has a Windows icon next to it in the cleaning list, probably because it's listed under System in the Cleaning (tab). The confusion for me comes from using the Detailed view ("classic") which doesn't label where things are from, although I prefer the Detailed view.