Add Temp Folder: "Downloaded Installations"

Hi There,

I found out that windows installer and installshield will keep huge installation packages on the harddrive even after the installation successfully finishes, here's the folder:

C:\WINDOWS\Downloaded Installations

this other folder also takes a lot of space but I'm not sure if

it is safe to delete it, windows installer sometimes asks for

the original installation pagacke when you try to unninstall

an application, here it is:


could you please add the first folder mentioned to the temp

folder list?

thank you

Welcome to the forums :D

i dont think that would be safe to do.

Windows may need that, that may be why its stored in the WINDOWS folder.

Downloaded Installations used to be in winapp2.ini, however it isn't safe to just outright clean everything in that folder as some things like Microsoft's Windows Live Safety Scanner will be broken to the point of nearly being impossible to remove or re-install from the website. Therefore removing things from that folder should be done manually and only after creating a System Restore point!

you make a good point, btw after cleaning the hotfixes folder I'm not able to uninstall Windows Desktop Search, would you have any tip for me to unninstall it?

thanks a lot

Re-install it "if it allows that" then attempt to uninstall it. That's the only drawback about using the Hotfix Uninstallers in CCleaner.