Add restore point remover

Usually Every time you install an application, the installation create a restore point, after 5-7 installation restore point can take up to 300-400 mb of disk space. Can you make ccleaner able to delete the all restore point, leaving ongly the last?

It has been suggested before, and I'm not completely against it.

However, the general concensus is that that option should be turned OFF by default as SR can obviously be a lifesaver.

oh, yes, a lot of times restore points saved me

I don't care if CCleaner ever supports System Restore or not. System Restore is a major app. and it needs to be used wisely.

I'm neither for or against its inclusion into CCleaner, however I would never use it.

It's actually rather easy to remove all restore points except for the most current one:

Just run Windows own built-in Disk Cleanup, click More Options, then click the button at the bottom that will clean up old restore points. Needs to be done for every disk that has System Restore enabled on it.

I am for it.

However, I do think that the option to delete restore point should not be by default enabled.

I also think that it shouldn't delete all restore points, not the recent ones, but the old ones...

But maybe Windows automatically delete old ones? Don't know how long it keeps then...

Restore point cleaning should not be added for any reason what-so-ever.

just set the disk space usage to a smaller percentage and when it makes a new restore point, it will delete the oldest one if it needs space.

CCleaner is about cleaning out crap. Last time I checked, old system restore points aren't crap. Especially when you may need to roll back to a far date.

It it was added to the advanced section and not checked by default I don't think it would hurt anything. Especially if it left the most recent one like the windows' own disk cleaner. Just make sure it had a pop up warning like all the others.

It it was added to the advanced section and not checked by default I don't think it would hurt anything. Especially if it left the most recent one like the windows' own disk cleaner. Just make sure it had a pop up warning like all the others.

Yeah, I agree.

If it was added, I can see unexperienced users checking it and then coming here complaining about losing their restore points.

Let's reflect on the "Hotfix Removal" cleaner idea. :rolleyes:

There will always be people that don't read or pay attention to what they are doing, and there is nothing you can do about that. Windows Media Player has the option to rip in really low quality formats and then people will complain when they try to burn audio discs and they don't sound very good. This is not WMPs fault but the peoples fault for not doing what they need to suit their needs.

I agree that nothing that could harm a pc should be added to ccleaner(like those stupid remove duplicate scanners that some programs have) but cleaning system restore won't crash/break a computer. It would be the users fault if they checked the box and didn't want their restore points removed.(especially if there was a pop up warning) There is no way to prevent user error.

Some like the hotfix cleaner and some don't.

Some in that thread remove them and some don't. Which is why it could be added as a choice.

If it was added, I can see unexperienced users checking it and then coming here complaining about losing their restore points.

Let's reflect on the "Hotfix Removal" cleaner idea. :rolleyes:

100% agree with you Tarun

If it was added, I can see unexperienced users checking it and then coming here complaining about losing their restore points.

That's why as rridgely already stated it could be under Advanced. And like everything else in Advanced it would have a pop-up with a warning, if people fail to read the warning they themselves would be responsible.

However, some of the confusion that people continually have by posting similar threads over and over again could be negated if CCleaner's setup would install a beginners guide and/or a help file, something which I think is long overdue versus relying upon an online source.

However, some of the confusion that people continually have by posting similar threads over and over again could be negated if CCleaner's setup would install a beginners guide and/or a help file, something which I think is long overdue versus relying upon an online source.

I agree with you there. Though there are many things that are long overdue in CCleaner that we will never see, from minor bug fixes to major support issues.

I would just like to mention that if people backed up their PC's, as responsible users should....then this wouldn't even be an issue.

I would much rather support the idea of encouraging people to take the responsibility, and little effort to back up their pc's which will protect against any program that might cause problems. :)

System restore points are extremely valuable, both for advanced users and novices. It wouldn't make sense to put time into that feature while there are others that need to be addressed.

System restore points are extremely valuable, both for advanced users and novices.

I agree, it's saved me a few times. Although it has sometimes caused some grief too like breaking shortcuts, etc., and the one thing I don't like about it is when it renames files or folders such as some.dll becoming some(2).dll which I think needs to be remedied in a hotfix.

I have Windows Defender (beta) installed. Recently it started to install daily definition updates, which takes a system restore point each time.

After returning from my vacation, my C: drive has almost filled up with restore points. Removing earlier restore points with the Windows tool is a bit complicated, and takes quite a long time.

Therefore I would like to add my support for an optional (unchecked by default) restore point remover in CCleaner.