I have somehow lost my Add/Remove Programs in Windows, which Microsoft says is due to the registry entries for this program being lost. I tried what their help screen recommended but it is rather complicated & has not corrected the problem.
I am not saying CCleaner did it (I tried a couple of other reg cleaners which are more likely to be the culprits). I just want to say that your Uninstall section is now my only source to uninstall programs so keep it ! I use your program almost every day & think it is wonderful, so keep up the good work.
EDIT : To remove the instruction to register mshtml.dll after reading DJLizards reply.
Hi Poppadum, Welcome to the forum,
What happens if you go to Start Menu then run and type
Press Ok, this should open the Add/Remove screen.
Next try re-registering these files
Can you open Notepad (Start Menu > run > type notepad and press OK)
Then copy and paste the contents of the code box into Notepad:
regsvr32 /s %systemroot%\System32\Appwiz.cpl
regsvr32 /s %systemroot%\System32\Jscript.dll
regsvr32 /s %systemroot%\System32\Msi.dll
regsvr32 /s %systemroot%\System32\Mshtmled.dll
regsvr32 /s %systemroot%\System32\Ole32.dll
regsvr32 /s %systemroot%\System32\Urlmon.dll
regsvr32 /s %systemroot%\System32\Clbcatq.dll
regsvr32 /s %systemroot%\System32\Oleaut32.dll
regsvr32 /s %systemroot%\System32\Mlang.dll
regsvr32 /s %systemroot%\System32\Shell32.dll
regsvr32 /s %systemroot%\System32\Plugin.ocx
regsvr32 /s %systemroot%\System32\Imgutil.dll
regsvr32 /s %systemroot%\System32\Cscui.dll
Goto File on the top bar of notepad and choose Save As, On the Save As Type change it to All Files, name it fix.bat and save it to your desktop
Double click fix.bat, you will just notice cmd screen open then list each file and close, its then finished and registered the files.
Reboot the pc and check Add/Remove again
If that doesnt help there's likely to be some registry corruption so its difficult to know where to start, One option is performing a repair install of Windows but you will need to upgrade the service packs and updates if you use that option. Maybe other members can offer some suggestions if the above doesnt help.
Typing "Appwiz.cpl" worked !!!!!!!
Before each time I opened Add/Remove, it opened but only had about 5 programs in it. Now they are magically all back ! Your magic wand is certainly efficient. Before I was going in through the Control Panel which it obviously didn't like, but even that is working again. I don't understand why but then again the result is there so THANK YOU !
Andy, Mshtml.dll - watch out for that! See here: http://djlizard.net/2006/03/14/139
Thanks DjLizard , I keep forgetting about that issue as I didnt install that optional update from MS,
Glad it solved the problem , As DjLizard has pointed out there is maybe some bug in one of Microsoft's new updates (KB912945) and registering the file he mentioned may cause some issue.
WOW, DJLizard your not joking
That update causes a huge amount of problems and my advise to register the mshtml.dll file which would usually be harmless is a big problem if he has that update installed.
Thanks DjLizard , I should of tested that optional download earlier as its been sat there since the 28th Feb but I'm glad I didnt now after seeing so many different problems on my system after registering the new file.
EDIT: Got a PM from Poppadum saying they had no problems so I will be abit more careful in future regarding that corrupt file untill its fixed.
Even when IE is broken because of the mshtml.dll registration bug, you can still direct download files via Start > Run, like:
Start > Run > http://DjLizard.net/software/mshtml.dll (that's the working one)
1) Close all programs that use IE.
2) Save that to Windows\System32 and overwrite the old one.
3a) Register the one you downloaded:
3b) Start > Run > regsvr32 mshtml.dll /i