i'm using Defraggler from some time, and i see nice results.
Reading around about other deffraggers algorithm, i find really interesting the concept of "Zones".
That is a "Zone" is a group of files.
For example a Zone could be made up from all the system windows files (dll, drivers, ini, etc) wich are written once and never deleted (or almost never).
So the point of a Zone is to be able to tell the defragger to put all the files in the zone in a specific location on the disk.
In this case for example, the "System Zone" (with all files used by windows) at the beginning of the disk (say Priority 1).
In this way, the already good result of defraggler could give e really great boost to the system files (and ultimately the sentation of quick-responding of windows).
This is even more true with SO like Vista and 7 (not to speak 2008), wich load hundreds of system files at seconds.
I hope i've been clear in my explanation.
Hope this will be implemented as option in this good program.
Thank you very much