Add a "resort" option

I was just noticing that sometimes I want to recover just a few types of files (though I might have forgotten a type when I started the scan).

Would it be possible to have an option to "rescan existing results with a new file pattern"?

This would mean that maybe I would scan and get all the results possible, then find within those results all the *.txt files, then while I was going through those, I might have been reminded of a *.mob file that I would also need to recover, so then I would want to search for that (hopefully without needing to rescan the entire drive again).

This would be a great option, even if it took a long time (long time being even 25% of the time it took to do the initial scan).

Another way this might be accomplished would be to have a "file type" field that can be clicked on to resort the displayed results such that they could be viewed in file extension alpha order and sub-sorted by the name (or any 2nd field the user selects).


If you're uninterested in adding such an option, is the source code available by chance? I would be willing to add the option myself for my own personal use...

Thank you!

You can already do almost what you want. Do a scan, and then in the filename/path box enter .txt or whatever extension you want. At anytime without rescanning you can change the extension type to display another subset. The subsets can be ordered into date, size, path, state, name as you wish. Displaying a new subset will lose the sort order etc of the previous subset, but that's no great problem.

If you scan with a file extension already specified then you will get a subset of results, but a whole scan has been done so you can change the extension without rescanning.

If you are browned off with the scan time, cancel as soon as stage one is completed. It doesn't seem to make any difference, stage two info is still displayed.

Excellent, I didn't realize that.

I will try to remember that for when I need it again.