
Many times I have got annoyed by advertisement on websites and many times I have wished to get rid of them, but there are many methods that I have heard of but until recently I never tried anything.

I heard about the Adblock extension to Firefox couple of times, and then eventually I finaly tried it out and I am pleased with it. Now after have used it, perhaps for a week, maybe more, I cant understand how I ever lived without it. :)

That is why I have now decided to tell others about it. The adblock extension by itself dont remove any ads, after you installed the extension, you have to use some block rules with it (regex - regular expressions). Depending on how good your rules are, it block ads. It probably wont block 100% of all adds, but it can get rid of a big deal of them.

It can be downloaded from

You can either write your own rules or you can use a set of third-party premade rules such as Filterset.G or any other filter sets.

I wrote the rules myself because the only filterset I was aware of was Filterset.G and whoever made that placed some restrictions to how it can be used, that I didnt like. And also it was little complex, and I thought I could make a set myself that was cleaner, and because I always like todo things myself, my own way. :)

Filters that I use...


So if you see lots of ads on websites and gets annoyed by them and would like to get rid of them then maybe you should try out something that get rid of them (such as Adblock), you will wonder how you ever lived without it.

Feels good to know that I dont need to put up with that crap anymore. :D

Thats a filter for adblock that is updated constantly(automatically installs updates as well)

Yeah, thats the one I mentioned.

But I use my own rules, partly due to the license:

Which I do not agree with because I find it too restrictive and gay.

you guys realize that there is a new extension called AdblockPlus right?

you guys realize that there is a new extension called AdblockPlus right?

Yeah but they are updating adblock again and I like it better.

Adblock rules. Another reason why FF is so awesome :)

Yeah but they are updating adblock again and I like it better.

It's updated!

I honestly dont understand how I could live without it. Now I cant imagine me going back...

Adblock rules. Another reason why FF is so awesome :)

Those using other browsers may find DNSKong or eDexter by Pyrenean of interest.

Why Adblock over Adblock Plus? I've never heard a reason for this.

I use Plus with Filterset G Updater.....just install it and forget it, for the most part.

Why Adblock over Adblock Plus? I've never heard a reason for this.

I had actually never even heard of Adblock Plus until this thread was created, but then again I don't go searching for FF extensions since I'm pretty much set using Adblock, Adblock Filterset.G Updater, IE Tab, and McAfee SiteAdvisor.

Adblock goes good with blocking ad sites in the HOSTS file.