Active x and class issues


Everytime I use ccleaner regcleaner it hangs. I've nearrowed it down to a problem in the " active x and class issues" as all other options work fine. I am running the latest version of ccleaner v5.47 and windows 7. I am unsure how to fix this issue.

Any help would be much appreciated


Simply stop using the registry cleaner, you don't need it.

It is a specialist tool (for trying to fix a virused/broken PC), - it should not be run regularly.

Running it will not 'speed up' your machine.

Microsoft policy the use of registry cleaners:

  • Quote
    		<div class="ipsQuote_contents">
    					Microsoft does not support the use of registry cleaners.
    					Microsoft is not responsible for issues caused by using a registry cleaning utility.
    					Microsoft cannot guarantee that problems resulting from the use of a registry cleaning utility can be solved.