Accidentally quick formatted drive, best way to get most data back?

As the title says, I accidentally quick-formatted a harddrive of mine. I sadly dont have a larger one, so I need tips to get my stuff back. And I already read that a unformat is impossible.

The formatted drive was 1TB filled with ~800GB of data, whereby ~500 - 600GB are just games I can redownload from Steam, but I am worried about the rest (BackUps and stuff).

I have a free 250GB drive to temporarly save files if that would help.

I'd like to recover all the files to the same drive in the same folder structure, but I am not sure if that's save.

It'd be enough if I'd have a view of the folder structure and the possibility to restore full folders to the 250GB drive (I don't want a view of all the files found, I wouldn't be able to find my stuff there).

Thx in advance.