Access to Internet Failures

I am running Windows 7 Home Premium 32-bit and Internet Explorer 8 on my PC.

I have CCleaner Ver. 2.33.1184.

Whenever I try to use any of the features that need to access the Internet, e.g. "Check for Updtaes..." or "Online Help" or clicking the pear to visit the website, AND IF INTERNET EXPLORER IS NOT ALREADY RUNNING, then I always get an error message "Internet Explorer stopped working".

If however I already have Internet Explorer running, then each of the requests functions OK with correct access to the appropriate place within your websites.

I believe that this might be a "Compatibilty View" issue between your website(s) and IE8.

Do you have a fix for this problem as it seems unnecessary to have to remember to have IE8 running, just in case I want to use it from CCleaner??

Thanks for any help on this.

I believe that ccleaner uses the Process.Start("") namespace whenever it checks for updates, which is the same used by almost all apps. The fact the IE cannot be launched via this command means their is likely something wrong with IE on your end. If I'm right (which is quite unlikely given how tired I am - will make coffee in about 10 seconds) then you will either need to follow these instructions or install a superior browser such as Firefox or Google Chrome.

As for compatibility view*; This simply forces IE into whats called "Quirks Mode" so that it can present the page correctly. It has nothing to do with actually opening a web page, only interpreting it.

*If Microsoft made a browser that actually worked in the first place this wouldn't be needed. Grrr at how much IE sucks.