access denied

Just downloaded latest Speccy, but on getting Speccy to analyse, all sections give "access denied"

Computer was recently repaired..(corrupted hard disc) could "SAFE MODE " be a problem. Grateful any ideas callowman

What is your Operating System (XP, Vista, Win7), does the user you are using have admin privilages (on XP)? are you getting and confirming UAC Prompt (vista and win7)?

can you run speccy in debug mode

open run prompt and run

"c:\program files\speccy\speccy.exe" /debug

(with the quotes, where c:\program files\speccy\ is the directory where it is installed) place a check mark in the boxes for the parts that are giving you the message then attach the logs.

Also why are you running in safe mode?

What is your Operating System (XP, Vista, Win7), does the user you are using have admin privilages (on XP)? are you getting and confirming UAC Prompt (vista and win7)?

can you run speccy in debug mode

open run prompt and run

"c:\program files\speccy\speccy.exe" /debug

(with the quotes, where c:\program files\speccy\ is the directory where it is installed) place a check mark in the boxes for the parts that are giving you the message then attach the logs.

Also why are you running in safe mode?

Thanks for the advice, Nergal, I may be out of my depth here! but shall give it a whirl. 1. OS is XP 2. I'm not sure I AM in Safe Mode, assumed it was after the repair.

Safe mode is a very limited setup and usually only used while trouble shooting (usually (I believe) you're desktop has safemode written in the corners)

it'd look something like


the limiting factors of safe mode (if you are if it) might be a factor in speccy errors but I'm not certain of that.

If by "XP 2" you mean "XP SP2", then please update to SP3 and see if that fixes the bug. SP2 is not supported by Microsoft anymore, anyway.