About Viruses and other hazardous things

Can you add some more abilities about hazardous programs such as viruses, malwares and other ones to registry cleaner? I mean; can you add a database about these harmful things to registry cleaner? By this way, some of these programs that add itself to registry can be deactivated by this way.

I don't have enough information about these harmful programs that add itself to registry, but by this way it should be better.

Thanks for your efforts...

You need anti-malware software which CCleaner is not, it's a system cleaner!

For recommended anti-malware practices and software read this post.

Can you add some more abilities about hazardous programs such as viruses, malwares and other ones to registry cleaner? I mean; can you add a database about these harmful things to registry cleaner? By this way, some of these programs that add itself to registry can be deactivated by this way.

I don't have enough information about these harmful programs that add itself to registry, but by this way it should be better.

Thanks for your efforts...

and this would have any thing to do with junk cleaning...................

It's a junk cleaner not a anti malware/virus application

Hi, Kammikazze. :D

By the way, most of the stuff in that link from Andavari is free.

I can attest that those apps have worked well for me for years. Windows XP home sp3 here.

Since the A.V. threat is changing every minute,

and better Anti-A.V. products have new virus signatures on an hourly basis,

CC would be more than a little out of date after a month before the next release.

If you really want to preserve your registry from malware you could use ERUNT.

It can automatically create a fresh registry backup at the start of the day,

and at the end of the day you can restore the registry from a backup to eliminate "today's" malware effects,

and give you a clean start for tomorrow.

You will of course also damage any new applications you have installed, so on those days you may want to risk malware.


I am in full agreement with the previous responses

You need proper A.V. protection, which will protect much more than just the registry.

Firewalls and "Behaviour blockers" are also essential.
