About options in Defraggler


I recently started using Defraggler and it's a great product and fast too.

However I was wondering if anyone knows why after I analyze Disc and than highlight all files that are fragmented to defrag is done quickly but after that when all is successfully defragged I tried to defrag again but defragging the whole disc and it takes a long time even though I had just finished successfully defragging files found by analysis.

My other question is what is the difference between defragging empty space and defragging empty space (allowed fragmentation)?

Also when would the defrag empty space option be worth doing after or before defragging Disc/files/folders/?

Thanks in advance.

1. When you defrag the disk, Defraggler will also defrag freespace which can take some time.

2. http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?showtopic=18332