i dont anything at all about computers...so you people will have to use very very simple language with me please.
i got told about CCleaner from one of my friends..he said type "crap cleaner" in to google and click on second link...down load it and run it. so iv done that...and i "run" it everyday...
but what i want to know is.. does crap cleaner get rid of allllllllllllll the history from my computer....like stuffi viewed last year and stuff...or would someone be able to still check?
if so...is there any way at all, that i can get rid of alllllllll my history from my computer?( bearing in mind my brother...likes to play detective on me...and his friend's done a computer science degree...)
The best thing to do is use Secure Deletion in Options, Settings. Use NSA (7 passes), it doesn't clean everything, as it can't. Windows itself tracks stuff you do and you have to manually delete it all. But some stuff you can't delete. Sorry to say this, but there is always ways to find out stuff with logs, files, and programs. If you don't ever want people to know what you are doing on a computer, is not to use one, or be the only one that has access to it.
Nothing is impossibileEEEEEE for a skilled computer geek
Just kidding, using CCleaner as said before, you can stay safe enough
on deletion of your browser history, chat, files (video, pics, texts... )
and so on.
only "wrong thing" i dun is go on forums ... i aint aloud to go on forums.... "not safe" apparantly....
anyway will my brother ever find out about the various forums ive been on... ? like will any computer geek ever find out after ive run the CCleaner with the advice above...???
and sum1 sed its always possible to find out wot iv dun....dus that mean my emails have been logged aswel? if soo ouchhhh.. my bro not gonna b impressed....
is what im writing in this post being logged on my computer or will CCleaner get rid of it?
i dont mean to act so paranoid but my brother kinda thinks his my dad...
only "wrong thing" i dun is go on forums ... i aint aloud to go on forums.... "not safe" apparantly....
anyway will my brother ever find out about the various forums ive been on... ? like will any computer geek ever find out after ive run the CCleaner with the advice above...???
and sum1 sed its always possible to find out wot iv dun....dus
Take a look at the Internet Explorer section of CCleaner, in Cleaner window.
- Temporary Internet Files
- Cookies
- History
- Recent typed URLs
- Delete Index .dat files < (note: this take effect after restart)
- Last download location
- Autocomplete form History
These are all the "traces" of your internet activities that CCleaner will delete.
AFAIK doesn't exist nothing else that can be "investigated" by a... detective brother
Check all them, Run Cleaner, and you are done.
that mean my emails have been logged aswel?
Using web mails is the same as web browsing forum or websites, there isn't any difference
All those pages will be deleted as "Temporary Internet File".
if soo ouchhhh.. my bro not gonna b impressed....
is what im writing in this post being logged on my computer or will CCleaner get rid of it?
No, nothing is "logged", unless you have a "keylogger" installed, as said before :-)
But some stuff you can't delete. Sorry to say this, but there is always ways to find out stuff with logs, files, and programs.
hmmmmm Sorry, TwistedMetal, but for once I beg to disagree. A skilled geek can always make his tracks VIRTUALLY nonrecoverable with a little knowledge and effort. Unless you are the CIA and plan to do a high tech, in depth surface scanning of my hard drive, I would defy you to undelete virtually any file that I choose to securely erase on my hard drive. And I do mean ANY file - 'protected' or not. As for those files that Windows 'protects', such as index.dat files, etc. - well, there is a simple solution for that too - it's called 'use a good old DOS based eraser at boot up.' Works like a charm and I assure you that no 'undelete utility' that I have ever tested was able to recover any of them... CIA, maybe, but 99.9999% of the rest of the people in the world with access to my PC - simply 'No way, Jose'... :-)
hmmmmm Sorry, TwistedMetal, but for once I beg to disagree. A skilled geek can always make his tracks VIRTUALLY nonrecoverable with a little knowledge and effort. Unless you are the CIA and plan to do a high tech, in depth surface scanning of my hard drive, I would defy you to undelete virtually any file that I choose to securely erase on my hard drive. And I do mean ANY file - 'protected' or not. As for those files that Windows 'protects', such as index.dat files, etc. - well, there is a simple solution for that too - it's called 'use a good old DOS based eraser at boot up.' Works like a charm and I assure you that no 'undelete utility' that I have ever tested was able to recover any of them... CIA, maybe, but 99.9999% of the rest of the people in the world with access to my PC - simply 'No way, Jose'... :-)
SHODAN PLZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ pass on ur skills. i dont care bout FBI i just dont want my bro's comp geek friend to everrrrr get traces of anything ive ever done. pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.....
If you want to cover the tracks from your brother then just turn on CCleaner's built in secure deletion. It will remove all history from your computer and make them pretty much unrecoverable. You do this by going in CCleaner to options>settings>secure file deletion. (drag the box down to nsa or dod. Either one is good enough). That will cover your tracks if your brother decides to get creative and use a recover program like recuva to look at your history.
Now I'm not saying you are, but just in case you happen to be doing things like downloading music illegally, downloading porn, or whatever else will get you virus infected you should look here:
I get people all the time asking me to fix their pc with pornographic pop ups everywhere, yet they cleaned their history to try to hide it. That is one way I know they are lying. (same goes for downloading illegally. If I see bearshear or limewire.. dont tell me you arent doing it. )
Even if your not doing any of the stuff I just described you should look at that guide anyway because your pc will probably run better afterwards.
The other thing is that your bro could have installed parental control software on your computer. I've seen some that is so indepth that it will even email IM conversations after the program was closed to the parent's email. If your brother has put something like that on the computer there is pretty much no way to hide what you do. If your sure that he woudln't stoop that low then you should be fine as long as you do the things I mentioned above.
If you want to cover the tracks from your brother then just turn on CCleaner's built in secure deletion. It will remove all history from your computer and make them pretty much unrecoverable. You do this by going in CCleaner to options>settings>secure file deletion. (drag the box down to nsa or dod. Either one is good enough). That will cover your tracks if your brother decides to get creative and use a recover program like recuva to look at your history.
Now I'm not saying you are, but just in case you happen to be doing things like downloading music illegally, downloading porn, or whatever else will get you virus infected you should look here:
I get people all the time asking me to fix their pc with pornographic pop ups everywhere, yet they cleaned their history to try to hide it. That is one way I know they are lying. (same goes for downloading illegally. If I see bearshear or limewire.. dont tell me you arent doing it. )
Even if your not doing any of the stuff I just described you should look at that guide anyway because your pc will probably run better afterwards.
The other thing is that your bro could have installed parental control software on your computer. I've seen some that is so indepth that it will even email IM conversations after the program was closed to the parent's email. If your brother has put something like that on the computer there is pretty much no way to hide what you do. If your sure that he woudln't stoop that low then you should be fine as long as you do the things I mentioned above.