About CCleaner and Wipe Free Option

I tend to at times delete both directories and files and have them move to the recycle bin and then later on I have CCleaner erase them. I've noticed though that if it's individual files CCleaner tends to mask their names but if it's a directory that I deleted CCleaner masks the name of the directory but not the file. Suppose I was to go back and try to recover those files in the directory will those same names come up?

I was searching the forum about the wipe free option and even tried it out on another pc before I tried it out mine and it worked okay without any problems. Further search on that option and it said that for the most part the file name would still appear if tried to recover but it would not be able to be retrieved. Now I have a question to ask and that is if you were to format a drive and use the long option rather than the quick option would that completely erase files and their filenames? Because if that's the case I'd think that's better since the long format seems to take a shorter time than using the wipe free space option, at-least for me it did.