Aborted download

Hi, fellow Ccleaning population --

I come to you embarassed. I had written instructions from a reputatble computer site telling me step- by-step how to download CCleaner. But did I take the time to follow them? Noooooo. <_<

So, half-way through the download, I realized that I had not checked the items that I did not wish to be "cleaned." I stopped the scan with a zillion items on the screen, and then tried to uninstall the download. I got caught in a vicious circle.

A window appeared saying something like, "Hey, we're running a program here. What do you think you're doing?" It would not allow me to uninstall. I kept asking it, even saying please. But no way it was going to let me undo my error.

So, I already have the Piriform icon on my desktop, but I have not marked anything for exclusion. Therefore, I'm assuming stuff is in that window that I don't want to go away. I am in limbo! :blink:

Any suggestions for help -- those which are allowed in polite company, anyway?

Hello Noclue (great name!) and welcome to the forum :)

First off, here is a link to the official CCleaner user guide, have a good read. Any more questions just ask.


Next where did you download CCleaner from?

This is the best download site and the one that says basic build will be fine for you.


During download you must choose "save" and not "run" from the download box which comes up when you press to download. Choose to download to your desktop as this will make it easy for you to find.

Then double click on the installer after download and follow the default options.

When everything is running okay you can delete the installer only from your desktop this would not remove the program ( which will be the big red C on your desktop!)

Have you rebooted since your problem?

Have you tried looking in add/remove programs to see if you can uninstall there (if indeed you have it installed at all)