...such as with the Registry cleaning section. I am really surprised this doesn't exist. Lots of times I can't use the cleaner because of 1 or two items that I want to keep.
When you do a reg clean and press 'scan for issues' the first column listed is problems with a tickbox next to it.
Take the tick out of the box, and then you are able to tick individual items for removal.
Is this what you are meaning?
When you do a reg clean and press 'scan for issues' the first column listed is problems with a tickbox next to it.
Take the tick out of the box, and then you are able to tick individual items for removal.
Is this what you are meaning?
In the Registry Cleaning section, we do have those options.
What I mean is that in the Cleaner section, we have no individual options. For example, here is my screen after scanning for Temporary Files:
ANALYSIS COMPLETE - (1.419 secs)
4.21MB to be removed. (Approximate size)
Details of files to be deleted (Note: No files have been deleted yet)
C:\Windows\TEMP\ASPNETSetup_00000.log 775 bytes
C:\Windows\TEMP\Cookies\index.dat 16.00KB
C:\Windows\TEMP\DMI1286.tmp 0 bytes
C:\Windows\TEMP\DMI4FE4.tmp 0 bytes
C:\Windows\TEMP\DMI58AA.tmp 0 bytes
(much more).....
There is no way for me to select just the third entry, or anything but the fourth entry, etc. Hence, you have to accept EVERYTHING for deletion, or nothing.
If the Cleaner section were just set up like the Registry section, with individual checkboxes, everything would be great. Other Reg Cleaners are set up this way.
"I can't use the cleaner because of 1 or two items that I want to keep. "
Then add these items(folders) for ccleaner to exclude.
tools - exclude - add folder
"I can't use the cleaner because of 1 or two items that I want to keep. "
Then add these items(folders) for ccleaner to exclude.
tools - exclude - add folder
Why would you want to save temp files?
Temp files are trash anyway! There is no harm in getting rid of temp files. CCleaner is totally safe. If you are worried about it taking out what is in the temp before it applies settings from an install you did, just be sure only clean files over 48 hours old is checked.
Registry files? That is a different story, & the reason you are allowed to tick them is because registry cleaning is dangerous, whereas regular cleaning is not.
Why would you want to save temp files?
Temp files are trash anyway! There is no harm in getting rid of temp files. CCleaner is totally safe. ....
I only used the Temp files as an example. it applies to every category except inside the registry.
If you think it is totally safe, that's great. i am very cautious and sometimes want to exc;lude things just because I don't klnow exactly what they are.
Why would you want to save temp files?
I have no idea why you would want to save temp files. i was just answering his question on how to exclude a folder