Ability Office

It would be really nice if CCleaner was able to ckean the histories of Ability Office (www.ability.com) I don't really want it to have a record of the most recently worked on documents.

I think i would use Open Office before Ability. Unless there is something I am missing.

I think i would use Open Office before Ability. Unless there is something I am missing.

I agree, but I have a feeling he already paid for it. I'm sure Twistedmetal could add it to winapp2.ini

I think i would use Open Office before Ability.? Unless there is something I am missing.

I've tried everything from Wordperferct Office 12, Openoffice.org 1.4 (and beta 2.0), ever M$ Word. But I have never seen an office suite that can do so much while still being incredably small in size (22 MB to download and 50 MB installed) Ability Office does everything I need it to without using the resources of Openoffice.org. It has a word processor, spreadsheet app, presentation at, photo editor, drawing app, and a data base app. All of which natively supports M$ products and with no further configuration (instead of OO's proprietary format). I have never had a problem with compatability, as I have with OO. There were a couple of things that bothered me about OO:

1. OO/Staroffice changed the install procedure in 2.0 ( and staroffice) and now takes a lot longer to install.

2. It uses a lot of resources (RAM)

3. There is no grammar checker; I am a graduate student at Arizona State and I need a grammar checker. Mainly I need it for the ocassional repetative word that I just can't see. OO doesn't have one.

4. Ability allows me to change spelling errors via a right-click contex menu, OO does not.

That's why I prefer Ability to OO. I found it for $20 on ebay. Yes, I know: freeware vs shareware but it's worth it to me.