A "version" of Google Chrome; without the privacy concern

Google's Web browser Chrome thrilled with an extremely fast site rendering, a sleek design and innovative features. But it also gets critic from data protection specialists , for reasons such as creating a unique user ID or the submission of entries to Google to generate suggestions. SRWare Iron is a real alternative. The browser is based on the Chromium-source and offers the same features as Chrome - but without the critical points that the privacy concern.

We could therefore create a browser with which you can now use the innovative features without worrying about your privacy.

We want our users to participate in our work and make the browser free to download under the name "SRWare Iron" into the net.

Chrome was my favorite browser; until I found out about all of the privacy issues in it. Then I discovered this today.

Check it out:


Comes with a portable version

Also 100/100 on Acid3 test.

It looks OK, what do you guys think about it?

Chrome was my favorite browser; until I found out about all of the privacy issues in it. Then I discovered this today.

Check it out:


Comes with a portable version

Also 100/100 on Acid3 test.

It looks OK, what do you guys think about it?

Chrome 2 Beta gets 100/100 on the acid3, and Firefox 3.1 getz 93/100.

anyways, this is old news. :P

i'm surprised it was made in english. if i am correct, there was a german or russian site that had this or something amazingly similar a good two three months after chromes initial release.

I just installed Chrome for the first time yesterday. I like some of the features like incognito, it seems pretty fast and I like the way it handles downloads (as opposed to Opera's download manager). What I don't like is the Google Updater always running in the background and loading up at startup and the unique ID. Not a fan... I may give this a try though!


Perhaps you might like the Iron version of Chrome then


More info here


Yup, I am definitely thinking about trying this as Icedrake first offered. I wonder if anyone has actually used it and would like to provide their own feedback.

I used it and everything's the same about it, except that it doesn't have all of the privacy stuff in it. Using the portable version though. ;)

Comes with a built in ad-blocker too.

Go to this page: http://www.srware.net/downloads/adblock.ini

Right click and save it as adblock.ini

then go to your main SRWare Iron folder in Program Files. Then replace the existing adblock.ini file with this new one. WALLAH! Your Iron will now block ads. :)

I am using SRWare and I love this program. I noticed but that CCleaner does "not" work with this version of Chrome??? How do I know this. well when I run the CCleaner it reports is that there is almost nothing to clean out while if I am in SRWare Iron and I tell it to clear the browsing data it works for about a minute cleaning out the cache. After the cleaning is finished the program is significantly slower until it rebuilds the cache, this is of course with DNS prefetching implemented. Any ideas on how to redirect the cc cleaner?? I wonder why this is happening,? maybe there is a different address for the Iron cache than there is for the Vhrome cache?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Um this is a pretty old topic that you just brought up. Also, ask your question in the CCleaner section of this forum. ;)